民國六十年代 南橫開通,為這小山城 帶來商機,爺爺阿源以長孫「小奇」為名,延續他在日據昭和時代賣冰的夢,在炎熱的南台灣 帶來一絲沁涼,兒子與媳婦首用甲仙檳榔心芋,作出了甲仙的第一顆芋頭冰,台汽客運載來了一車車登山嚐鮮的旅客,也載走了一車車的好口碑,隨著愈來愈多的芋頭冰店開張甲仙芋冰 漸漸聞名全台,甲仙小奇改變地方歷史,是創業三十餘年來,讓我們最引以為傲的事。 |
三十餘年的努力,甲仙小奇見證了地方的變遷,從第一顆甲仙芋冰,到專業的芋頭糕餅烘焙,由家庭式小舖 到百坪店面,一步一腳印 與大家博感情,貳零零參年春天,用新的面貌與您相見,本地唯一無障礙空間設計、挑高大堂、二樓當地藝文中心、半開放式點心房與室內熱食區,讓您看到所有產品製作過程,南橫旅遊諮詢、全省宅配服務,新的小奇矗立在甲仙國小正對面,當下次來訪時您會發現,老店也可以很年輕。 |
With more than 40 years of effort, Taroking Taro Ice Cream Shop has witnessed local changes as it has progressed from the first taro ice cream shop to acquiring professional taro cake-baking skills along the years. It began as a family shop into a 300-plus square meter store. In the spring of 2003, the location was rebuilt from the ground-up and incorporated the first handicapped-accessible building in town. Equipped with a local viewing gallery and exhibition-style kitchen, visitors are able to see the whole production process of all our foods. The new Taroking stands across from the Jiasian Elementary School; an old store with a new look. |